Demonstrable evidence


Just a quick blog post this week to draw your attention to a new set of pages on the website. I wanted to demonstrate bliss's accuracy and coverage of cover art lookup, so I've created the large-scale cover art lookup test.

The test takes a list of well known artists, finds the albums they have released, and then sets bliss to work looking up cover art for each album. The results are then collated and presented with one page per artist.

The choice of which artists are used was a simple matter of looking up the inductees into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. From that list, the releases by each inductee were gathered using Wikipedia, and then this list of artist/album names supplied to bliss to look up the art. I didn't gather the artist and albums manually (that would've taken a long time), I used DBpedia which provides a way of querying Wikipedia information using a language called SPARQL.

For now, I just concentrated on the cover art. I may add both other information and add new artists in time.

You might notice that some artists have small bio sections (for instance, Aerosmith's album covers). These were written by an outsourced writer. If anyone is interested in writing short 300-word biographies for any of the other artists I'd be glad to publish your work and credit you.

Thanks to Ev0luti0nary for the image above.
tags: bliss cover art album art

The Music Library Management blog

Dan Gravell

I'm Dan, the founder and programmer of bliss. I write bliss to solve my own problems with my digital music collection.