Release 20121112
November 20, 2012 in bliss by Dan Gravell

This release primarily includes work to support OneMusicAPI, but there're also some other useful bug fixes and improvements...
- Changed the system tray popup to load after the bliss UI has fully loaded
- Fixed the text on the system tray popup on first use
- Ignore @eaDir directories for DiskStation users
- The list of currently active policies is included in the debug archive
- Various small improvements to the speed of cover art and metadata lookup
- Further fixes to the in-app updater
How to install
New users should download the new release from the downloads page.
Update from within the bliss application is possible but currently, you will have to restart bliss after updating. If the update appears to break things, here's what to do. You can also download the latest installer and install it, replacing the current installation.
Your existing fixes will continue to work!
Thanks to Nina Matthews Photography for the image above.