My bags are packed; no new bliss releases for a while
July 23, 2013 in bliss by Dan Gravell

Over the past eight or nine months I've been undergoing a somewhat harrowing, somewhat protracted home move. As a home owner in London I can hardly complain but my wife and I have worked our way through two purchasers for our property, one having dropped out for "reasons unknown" and three properties that we have intended to purchase ourselves, only for the vendors to withdraw or impose silly conditions post-acceptance.
As a result, and to make some progress, we decided to complete the selling of our property ahead of completing the purchase of another. With the good grace of various family and friends who have offered a couch to surf on we should be able to make it through a month or two before our new home is ready to move into.
There's a cost to this "couch surfing" though. Most of both our personal possessions and also various technical assets owned by elsten software will be going into temporary storage. This includes testing machines used in the bliss build; I will be running elsten software from a laptop these next two months. As a result, there will be no full releases of bliss for a couple of months or so, until the test rig is available again.
Of course, I will continue to treat support email as before, replying in the same timely manner. Other than a lack of new releases for a while, there should be no obvious change in service.
Thanks to Jed Owen for the image above.