DSF tagging
June 21, 2016 in bliss by Dan Gravell

DSF is an audio container format, designed primarily for holding DSD audio. DSD has been gaining in popularity amongst audiophiles because of its promise of high audio quality from its higher sample rate.
We added support for DSF into bliss in version 20160406. This has meant the full range of features in bliss are now available to DSF users; album cover art, textual metadata tagging, even tagging old untagged DSF files that have been converted from DFF.
Running the rule
A DSF album is treated like any other in bliss. This means the standard bliss album page can be used to change album and artist names. Album level details such as genre or year can be changed on the same screen.
It also means the same rules that are defined to do things like automatically find year and genre details can be used for DSF albums. Furthermore, you can consolidate genres, fix capitalisation and more.
bliss works differently to most music taggers. It's rule based, which means you define the consistency, completeness and correctness rules you want your library to follow, and bliss will assess your collection, and fix it automatically where possible.
Album art
The fact that bliss treats DSF albums like any other means the same album art rules will also work. Just as bliss can find artwork for your existing FLAC, WAV or AIFF files, bliss can do the same for DSFs.
For example, if you have a smart new hi-fi system with high resolution displays or apps for choosing music, and a high audio quality DSF library, you want high resolution artwork so the system is used to its capability. It's possible to use bliss to upgrade artwork to a higher resolution.
That's one example. bliss can also find missing covers, embed artwork from image files, shrink artwork and check its size on disk too. All these rules come in handy, depending on the music jukebox or player you use.
And, of course, you can use bliss to simply change artwork to images you have scanned, or found yourself online.
Changing all tags
When all else fails, bliss's fallback is the Tags page which allows all tags in all your DSF files to be changed.
You can use the Search field on the Tags page to narrow down your files, for example to show only the tags for one particular album.
Hopefully that was a useful overview of how you can use bliss for DSF tagging, be it editing individual items of textual metadata, applying rules to your collection, or fixing your album artwork!
Thanks to torbakhopper for the image above.