Release 20181011 - new settings page


At last, the new settings page has been promoted to be the default settings page. For this release there has been a few things to tune and tweak and now the page is ready for prime-time.

There's also some more useful improvements for performance and other areas!

The new settings page

So, the new settings page is finally released out of beta and is the "standard", default settings page:

The new settings page

The big step forward in this release is that rules can now be filtered and searched in the Add a rule dialog:

Search and filter for new rules

In addition we fixed a couple of issues in the display of the image filename text field and the minimum/maximum resolution rules.

More improvements

A couple of useful performance improvements:

  • We now cache fingerprints across scans and versions.
  • We also now store lookup results between versions.

Meanwhile, on the album page:

  • The save button on the album detail page now gives instant feedback.
  • When the album rescan button is clicked we also look for new files in the album folders.

And other stuff...

  • The album count for artist albums now works.
  • The genre correction rule now only executes one response when "Fix all visible" is clicked in the Inbox.
  • The Denverton architecture is now supported on Synology.

Downloading and installing

You can download from the downloads page. After you click through, installation instructions are available on the page following download.

tags: release

The Music Library Management blog

Dan Gravell

I'm Dan, the founder and programmer of bliss. I write bliss to solve my own problems with my digital music collection.