This month in digital music libraries - September 2022

Newspaper This month there’s a couple of new human-powered musical curation sites, more in the mainstream press about self hosting music software and hardware, and more QNAP attacks.

Human curation

Digs is a new service that stores your recommendations about musical releases. It’s album based and human-powered, no recommendation engines ‘recommending’ dodgy instrumental covers here!

Meanwhile, is a human-curated list of online radio stations.

Turns out, laptops have taste

As a programmer, it gives me cold sweats as to how this problem was diagnosed.

Pitchfork articles about self hosting music

@PoRican is continuing to write about self hosting music hardware and libraries at the popular Pitchfork site.

QNAP attacks

On guard, shut down those ports! There are more ransomware attacks ongoing against QNAP NAS devices.

Audacity, but online

Check out this impressive Web based app - it’s basically Audacity (including a rather uncanny replication of the look-and-feel) but on the Web (it seems to have changed its name to Wavacity since I tweeted):

Photo by Bruno Bučar on Unsplash

tags: this-month-digital-music-libraries curated

The Music Library Management blog

Dan Gravell

I'm Dan, the founder and programmer of bliss. I write bliss to solve my own problems with my digital music collection.