Release 20240612

Lego heads This release includes an important fix for updating track names and numbers that were previously missing, making updates faster and more likely to be accurate. We’ve also fixed the link to our ideas forum!

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This release concentrates on some improvements to track name and number fixing.

In some cases, multiple suggestions can be made for a particular track name or number. This happens with different album releases; sometimes, for example, remixes are used in different releases and this affects the track name. And, of course, in different sales territories with different languages or scripts a given track name can change. This, combined with what some might term the “canonical” release, means there are multiple suggestions for any one track name.

One fix for this is to use linked releases to choose a particular release or releases to tie an album in your collection to. However, in most cases I find collectors prefer to allow all the metadata to make it more likely something will be found to fill in missing information.

The bug we have fixed was that where multiple suggestions were found, bliss would actually write each different value, overwriting the previous value. This would not only mean extra writes, it also meant that even the less likely results were chosen. This only affected the “missing” rule, where a track number or name was missing.

We’ve now fixed this to strictly write once and only the top scored result.

In addition…

  • We’ve fixed the “ideas” link at the bottom of the UI.

Downloading and installing

You can download by clicking the button above, or from the downloads page.

Photo by James Orr on Unsplash

tags: release missing

The Music Library Management blog

Dan Gravell

I'm Dan, the founder and programmer of bliss. I write bliss to solve my own problems with my digital music collection.