This month in digital music libraries - June 2024

Newspaper New music players, Spotify’s devaluation of music, the Sonos app saga and AI (because everyone else is talking about it)…

Some new software to try

Musicat is another player aimed at playing local music libraries:

… as is Tauon, but that also has a Subsonic adapter so you could connect to Navidrome, Astiga or more:

And how about a retro chic hardware player?

The Sonos app car-crash rumbles on…

It appears that Sonos are at least making noises that they are addressing the missing aspects of the new Sonos app - of particular interest to this blog are the local music library features.

For Sonos owners it’s worth keeping an eye out for their monthly office hours on Reddit where the increasingly legendary u/KeithFromSonos answers questions - here’s May’s session.

Spotify - what do they really value?

On the one hand, they seem to view music as such a commodity:

… on the other they are at least about to allow high res streaming of that zero-value ‘content’.

AI all the things (or not)

As the dust settles on the disruptive effects of AI in music, are we getting more considered views as to what it all means? Maybe AI has a place, but truly creative content by organic lifeforms will continue too.

See you next month!

Photo by Bruno Bučar on Unsplash

tags: this-month-digital-music-libraries ai sonos spotify

The Music Library Management blog

Dan Gravell

I'm Dan, the founder and programmer of bliss. I write bliss to solve my own problems with my digital music collection.